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Thursday 4 August 2011

Threads in Java

What is a thread?
Thread is a lightweight process i.e single sequential flow of control within the JVM process (when you run the java command at the prompt it creates the JVM to run the application; the name of which you supply as parameter to the java command Ex. java com.test.MainApplication).This process can have multiple threads created within.
As discussed in my previous blog article, a thread shares the heap (place where the object created within the application resides) belonging to the process and has its own stack space. Multiple threads share the heap and hence care should be taken than the objects accessed are thread safe.

Ways to create thread?
There are two ways to create thread
  1. Extend Thread class : and override the run method from Thread class
  2. Implement Runnable interface: It has one method public void run() which the implementing class should define.
One should implement Runnable interface to get threading behavior instead of extending Thread. One should extend Thread only if the intention is to extend the behavior of the existing Thread class.

Why do we need to create Thread? If you want parallel processing of tasks and these tasks are independent of each other then we can achieve this using Threads. If there is critical data that is used by multiple threads and changing it in one thread can cause data inconsistency in the other thread then one should synchronize the critical section of code. More on synchronization in my next post.

Different states of a thread?
The life cycle of the thread will begin when the client code call the start() method on Thread. Creating a thread using the new operator will not start the thread.Threads can be in one of the following states once it started,
  1. Runnable : When you start the thread using t.start() the thread goes into the Thread pool, following which the ThreadScheduler can pick this ready to run thread for execution. A thread can be in this state  in others ways too. Please refer to the diagram for the same.
  2. Running: Current executing Thread is said to be in this state. It will be in this state till it is swapped by Scheduler or its blocked for IO or enters synchronization code or it relinquishes with the static Thread.yield method or goes to sleep with the Thread.sleep method.
  3. Waiting: execution of the object.wait() method causes the current thread to go into wait state.The current thread should hold the monitor for invoking the wait method. It will remain in this state till some other thread, notifies the thread by calling notify() or notifyAll() method. 
  4. Sleeping: A call to the Thread.sleep(long milliseconds) method causes the current thread to sleep or suspend its operation for the predefined time specified in the sleep method call. After the time elapses it will move to Runnable state and will begin execution when the ThreadScheduler will it pick it.
  5. Blocked: Thread can go into this state while performing an I/O operation,  or while waiting for the lock when entering a synchronized method or block of code; once the I/O operation completes the thread or when the lock is obtained the thread will move into the Runnable state.
  6. Dead:  Once the thread finishes execution or there is error/exception in the run method a thread will enter the dead state. Please note: A dead thread cannot be revived again by a call to the start() method.
Thread and deadlock
In case of multiple threads, there are chances that the following may happen

  • Deadlock occurs when two or more threads are trying to gain lock on the same object, and each one has a lock on another resource that they need in order to proceed. For example, When thread A waiting for lock on Object P while holding the lock on Object Q and at the same time, thread B holding a lock on Object P and waiting for lock on Object Q, deadlock occurs.
  • If the thread is holding a lock and went to a sleeping state, it does not loose the lock. However, when thread goes in blocked state, it normally releases the lock. This eliminates the potential of deadlocking threads.
  • Java does not provide any mechanisms for detection or control of deadlock situations, so we as programmer are responsible for avoiding them.


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